City of Newark Neighbor

  • 362 Bergen St Newark, New Jersey, 07103 - Springfield-Belmont
    Constituent called and stated that the neighbors at the above location is not complying with the garbage regulations. She States that they have been putting bulk out on the wrong days and now the unwanted trash is causing rodent problem.
  • 593 S 17th St Newark, New Jersey, 07103 - West Side
    constituent has a cat for pick up ..
  • 203 Renner Ave Newark, New Jersey, 07112 - Weequahic
    constituent has three kittens for pick up ..
  • 183 Vassar Ave Newark, New Jersey, 07112 - Weequahic
    constituent states she has a squirrel in her bathroom
  • 803 S 16th St Newark, New Jersey, 07108 - Upper Clinton Hill
    please pick up cat in trap that you guys put down
  • 998 S Orange Ave Newark, New Jersey, 07106 - Upper Vailsburg
    constituent states its a raccoon at this location...for pick up
  • 78 Weequahic Ave Newark, New Jersey, 07112 - Weequahic
    constituent called and stated that there might be a injured cat located at the above address. She says that the cat has been wailing and crying all night. She said that the cat is in the back of the abandoned propertY. Please pick up injured cat.
  • 219 Ferry St Newark, New Jersey, 07105 - North Ironbound
    Constituent called and stated that there is a cat all alone at the above address with no owner. Please pick up Stray cat.
  • 84 Sandford Pl Newark, New Jersey, 07106 - Lower Vailsburg
    Constituent called and stated that there is a tree located at the above location that is causing the sidewalk to uproot. He also said that the tree is getting wrap up in the power lines and leaning onto the house looks like it may fall soon. Please Respond .
  • 17 Midland Pl Newark, New Jersey, 07106 - Lower Vailsburg
    constituent would like to have her home treated for rats...
  • 267 Elm St Newark, New Jersey, 07105 - North Ironbound
    please pick up baby raccoon in the box
  • 21 16th Ave Newark, New Jersey, 07103 - Springfield-Belmont
    Constituent called and stated that there is a tree located in the front of the above property, that is leaning on to her house. She stated that she spoke with a rep from the tree department Last year about the tree and has not gotten a response back .Please Respond.
  • 919 18th Ave Newark, New Jersey, 07106 - Upper Vailsburg
    Loose pitbull near MC donalds reported by NWK PD operator 42
    Alfa 612 standing by
  • 620 Central Ave Newark, New Jersey, 07107 - Fairmuont
    constituent states that at the address above the grounds keeper said that she keep seeing a coyote and needs someone to come get it
  • 296 Delancy St Newark, NJ 07105, USA - North Ironbound
    Misc. garabage and truck parts.
  • 298 Delancy St Newark, NJ 07105, USA - Newark
    many potholes.street in horrible condition.
  • Wilson Ave At Jabez St Newark, NJ 07105, USA - North Ironbound
    3 large potholes
  • 99 Tuxedo Pkwy Newark, New Jersey, 07106 - Lower Vailsburg
    Constituent called stated that there is a rat problem at the above location. She says they are all over the block. Please Treat For Rodents.
  • 55 Spruce St Newark, New Jersey, 07102 - South Broad Street
    constituent stated hat she want to have her cat picked. please pick up cat
  • 96 Tuxedo Pkwy Newark, New Jersey, 07106 - Lower Vailsburg
    Constituent called and stated that the rats are out eating and scratching and jumping in his recycling bin. He said the neighborhood is pretty clean and does not know why the rats are still around.